Candidate Statements

The following are the views of the individual candidates and not necessarily those of FETA/CTA/NEA.  Any candidate flyers linked below each candidate's statement constitute neither a recommendation nor support for any candidate.

All candidates are listed in 2023-2024 CTA alphabetical order:


1st Vice President:

Shelley Behrns - I love supporting our teachers! I have served as site rep., correspondence secretary, and first and second vice president over my 24 years and would love to continue.

2nd Vice President:

Audrey Hodge - I work well with others and am good at being organized.

Recording Secretary:

Gina Ortiz - I want to continue my role as the FETA Recording Secretary on the Executive Board and as a voice for the junior highs as a member of various FETA committees.

Correspondence Secretary:

Melissa Rivera - As correspondence secretary, I would like to expand my FETA knowledge as well as make connections with and be a voice for other members.


Andy Montoya - I feel that I am able to understand and complete this job with accuracy.


Site Representatives:


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Distance Learning

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District Office

Susan Cravello - I have been an FSD School Nurse for 24 years. I believe teachers and nurses daily advocate for others; I would like the continued opportunity to help advocate for ourselves!

Kelsey Risberv - I am passionate about union work and I think that it is important to have TOSA voices be heard and represented in the district.

Fern Drive

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Golden Hill

Susan Wong-Weisel - I would love to continue to support our FETA members and would appreciate your vote!

Karen Nelson - I have always been a part of and a supporter of teachers and our local union. I have also previously been a site rep at both Raymond and Golden Hill.


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Ladera Vista

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Laguna Road

Stephanie Olsen  - I have been honored to serve as your site rep for the last three years and would gladly continue to represent Laguna Road!